RHYNO OUTFIT RUBICON AI CHRONO MILITARY CERAMA BORN IN THE U.S. ARMY In 1999, The Rhyno Outfit was born at The National Training Center in California. The Outfit was started by avionics technician, now CEO Rico Adams, while serving in The United States Army. Fourteen years later, he used the small organizations name to create his first aviation/ military inspired watch, The Rubicon. Watch making, designing, and collecting have always peaked his interest, the natural progression after buying and selling many high end watches of his own collection led to the creation of the company. All Rhyno Outfit watches are designed with the same thought process, rugged, simple, quality crafted with elegant display to rival Swiss Made watches four times the price. His passion drives him to create pieces that many would love to own . All Rhyno Outfit collections are made with 300 pieces or less. http://rhynowatches.com/new-products/grey-rubicon-cerama 50mm wid...
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